Port Agency Software

Activity or Workflow Planner :
On the submission of a job, the activity template predefined for various process flows will be created for that job. The user can then update the different activity dates and the relevant columns against the same. The user can then generate Customized Daily Status Report for different customers.
Document Management System:
The user has an option to upload scanned documents, emails, excel files or any other files against any standard tables or the transactions. For example, one can upload the final bill of lading scanned and uploaded against the respective bill of lading.
Communication Module :
The user has an option to define all email grouping for various auto emails and reports which need to be generated. These will give auto emails selected for To, Cc and Bcc. The user has an option to send this email automatically or whether the email screen should pop up during communication with the party.
Correspondence Module :
This module allows user to Create Templates for standard letters dynamically. Users can drag and drop the filed list from tables and create templates. These templates can be used to build standard letters and reports in word, pdf and excel formats.